Happiness is Destination Pain is the Process

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


After a "long" break, it's time to get back on my feet and WORK! Awww, it is really a drag man. Few Days at home, and im already feeling lazy to come back to the daily "no life" routine.

Yesterday, had a really long day but yet fun events with Zul and Fyza. Zul and Fyza came back from their night shift and meet me up ard 1030hrs at Tanah Merah InterChange and head off to Chinese Garden to our Destination "Jurong Swimming Complex". They must be tired. Zul had a nap on my Bantal Shoulder while fyza is controlling not to sleep. So We Reach there, get changed..snap some pics. Since all of us will be jumping into the water, so the camera has to stay inside the locker. So, if you are hoping to see us playing in the pool..guess not!:-P. We spent almost 2 hours there. I really like the man made wave...HEHE. So cool...and Shiook!! Ehough of Soaking ourselves, we get changed and head off to PizzaHut/KFC and had our Lunch. Gosh! u cant believed, we were totally Famished. We Ordered so Much...more like a 6 PerSon Meal..HaHA..We ORder a Reg Super SupReme Pizza, 1 Lasagne, 10 pc Sweet and Spicy Drumlets, Garlic Bread, Starry Muchies and 2 Cheese Fries and of coz..2 Lemon Tea, 1 can of PEpsi and 1 BOttle of PEpsi since we bought the Meal. HAHa..can u Imagine 3 Young Ladies ate that Much. HEHE!

After that we Went to Bugis and we Shop Like Hell mostly Makeup. My oh My..enuf is enuf. Im not GOnna Spend any Single Cent anymore on Makeup for this month. I spent a hundred over just on Makeup. Some for my Exam which is coming soon..and some for my personal Makeup. Around 1900hrs, we head back home, while me...despite the tirednes and the pain that my sole is giving me, i had to make my way to Tam p LPZone to retrieve my jeans that i ask them to tailor. Once done, i quickly went back. My Sole Couldnt take it Anymore.

Today - i Went over to MArdy's Place to practice my Makeup on her SIs. Her Sis, Marzura is a replacement for her since she cant make it on the exam date. Luckily she find me a replacement, if not..im dead! BErsyukur i got someone to be my model. Well, reached around 1300hrs, grab a bite ...and start of with my Makeup. Let the Pictures do the talking ( Pictures courtesy of MArdy

ME on the Job. Done with her Around 1 hr. I guess thats great. That means..i got half an hour more to do her Hair Properly

I Like THis Pic. She Look SO FlawLEss.

Here's THe PrincEsS. She Looks Good!

Thanks MarZura for Being My Model.

Monday, April 23, 2007

On Annual Leave

CuRrenT UpDate Of MySeLf - Getting Better A Little i Shall SAy. The Flu Have Gone and only The COugh ReMains. HatEs it So Much Coz it will Make Me Difficult To Breath and Ended up Having Asthma. I Have only 2 bottle ( is it called bottle??..mmm i cant find the right word) Left. Thot of Getting it in JB. But Plan With Enotz Was Cancelled due to HER Was beIng CallEd up To WoRK Last Minute! SomeTImes I HAte PoliCe Job! Muahaha! SO i Guess i got to Request it at the Company DOctor..Hmmm medicine Are Free, only consultation Fees of $5 will be cut From my Pay.

Yesterday..Went to MaRiana's WEdding. She Look Gorgeous! Uncle Shis and Aunty Zainab look Amazing too..and not ForGetting the Chubby Bubbly HuDA, Shine out in Lime Green. Hehe..I see quite a number of SIA people. Hehe...Everyone was like Woah! Haha..well they always saw us girls in uniform..and suddenly we dress up..its like ahaha...an eye popped out for them. Yeah bumped into Ry as well at yesterday event. Was quite surprised but thinking back..hehe she must have known Mariana thru Swissport since they are of the Same Company.
Im grateful to know thier Family especially Uncle and Aunty. Ive already treat them as my own Parents. Always go up to them when i have Problem, and Uncle is always there when i have problems. Im just Lucky to know Uncle And his Family. Hehe..i Ended up Spending the Whole day at uncle's Place..It Was Raining...s Uncle told us not to go back ferst..and so we sat there until 4+ hehe..Kita REwang Mata jer lah..So..one of uncle Daughter already got Married.. So Left Huda..and his 3 " anak buah" at work.

Ok..im getting ready to go out with my parents to Tamp. Getting some Stuffs. Ok ill update again for the tommorow event..wee i cant wait!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Akan Kiamat ke Dunia? Jenis Lelaki yang Baik dan Pemimpin dah Pupus pada Zaman Ini?
Dimana Letaknya HarGa Diri Seorang Lelaki?
MeminJam Wang Dari Kaum hawa
Dahulu Kala, Lelaki aMat Ego SekiRAnya MereKa Perlukan Bantuan segi Duit. Mereka Tidak Akan Jatuhkan MartAbat MereKa dan Meminta Dari Kaum Wanita. Pada Mereka, Perbuatan Ini Amat Memalukan Kaum MeReka. Seolah-Olah, MeReka yang BerBuat SedeMikan tidak Punya Harga Diri.MeMang Sifat Lelaki itu begitu, Pemimpin Sebuah KeluarGa. Dan BolehKah MeReka Memimpin Sebuah KeluarGa SeAndaiNya Masalah Duit MereKa TerPAksa Minta DAri Kaum Hawa? Amat MeMalukan.
MaSih BerHutang dan Masih Mahu Meminta WAng DAri Kaum hawa
BagaiMana Kes Ini Pula. DI Tahap Ini. Si Hawa Mesti Pikir..LeLaki ini Tiada PendirIan dan TidAK Mahu berUsaha. TiAda SiFAt Malu Dalam DIriNya. SudaH BerHutang, TApi Masih AdA hati nak PinJam Lagi. HuTang Lama Masih Belum DiSEleSaiKan, Tapi Nak PinJam Lagik? Ishk Ishk! Kaum Adam SebegIni HanYa InGInKan CaRa PenYeleSAian Yang MuDah. Jatuh MarTabat Kaum SeBeGIni. TeRAmAt MeMAluKan.
yang MeMinta SimPati
Ini Lagik DashyAt. Dah Tak Dpt Apa yang DimInta..MenGaku berSalah. MeMinta AMpun dan Maaf..TETAPI DiUlangi PeRKara Itu. TiAda SiAPa yang MeMBantu. Di Saat Ini, Teman-teman Menyepikan Diri. Baru Tahu Siapa KaWan dan Siapa Lawan. Teman yang SenTiasa Di Sisi Ketika Saat Suka DAn Duka Tidak PerNah diHargai Satu Masa Dahulu. Dan SEkARang Tiada Siapa yang Hendak MenoLong. Ketika ini, Hanya Keluarga yang Dapat Membantu. Tapi..Keluarga juga tidak Dapat Membantu..Ishk Pelik! Pelik!
DiBeri Nasihat...SuPaya BeruSaha...Tegas Dalam Pendirian..Taknak Terima Lah Pulak...
Gasak Kau lah...Asalkan BerBahagia henDAKnya...
* Tiada berKaitan Dengan Sesiapa. hanya Pandangan Penulis Sahaja*
Terima Kasih

Friday, April 20, 2007

--** Feeling Sick **--

Today, I felt sick. I started to get the symptoms yesterday. My throat was really painful. Sighz...Why must i get sick when im gonna take my leave from work. I had a full plan on the days that i took my leave, but yet i fell sick. I Even hate to Postpone my interview that im supposed to attend just now at 3pm. I dun Feel good and i dont want to make a bad impression to them. Thus, i called them and asked for postpone but the interviewer was not there. So they claim to return my call. Probably on Monday, i will give them a call again. I really hope they are sill interested in me attending an interview with them.

In the Afternoon, Kak Zie msg me..and i was told of the date of exam. Im so nervous and im lacking of confidence. Gosh, its been years that i did not take examinations..and hearing the words examination really makes me goosebumps. Sighz...

Ok so the planned for the upcoming Leave.

Sun (22th) - Uncle Shis Place for his Daughter Wedding. And Probably after that, i shall go out with Mal, but still not yet confirmed.

Mon (23rd) - TO Johor bahru With Enot & Nas.

Tue (24th) - To Jurong Swimming Complex with Zul & Fyza.

Wed (25th) - Interview again but still not sure - Probably will meet up Mardiana to practice my make up on her.I havent tell her yet, but hopefully boleh lah eh.

Haiz..I hope all my plans will go smoothly despite the fact im sick currently.Peace..

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I am feeling very pissed off with myself. I don’t even know why and what’s wrong. I don’t even know what the cause of it. Damn…I hate to be feeling this way. It’s like I don’t have any conclusion to this matter. Argh…can someone actually tell me what went wrong here?

Gosh. This internet is also getting very bored. Someone please give me some website to view. Once upon a time, internet was really the IN thingy. I or WE (the internet addicts) could actually sit in front of the computer for hours and surf all day long without even acknowledging other people and our meal times. I still remember when I was during the teenage times; Internet is like the World to me. Right after school, I’ll dump my bag on one side and log in to the internet neglecting about changing and washing up. Now, what happened? No More of the IN thingy. Everything has soared. Currently, I am only looking forward to MSN, particularly of course with the "gerek" people. But At times, it also does bore me off. Friendster - at times the things I saw in it hurts me real Bad. AnakMelayu - I am already tired with the "Hi ...Can u intro?" MIRC - Woah...Cerita lama…been like ages I did not go there and yeah...There are a lot of sex maniacs there. Multiply - Something that interest me a bit now with a lot of Mak Andams there and I could actually view their makeup practice. My Space - use to frequent there because Rasul was there. But now ever since he Neglect me there, even now at the present. I totally lost interest in that place.

SIghz…Im Bored …Plus Pissed

Friday, April 13, 2007

--** Aku Benci Aku**--

I thot my Previous entry would sum up the Day..but i just culdnt help it..but to pour my feelings out..At this point of time, i really hate myself! I really hate the way i feel...And i really hate what im feeling coz in the FIRST place..I SHOULD NOT FEEL THIS WAY! It's stoooooooopid of me to feel this way..and i should have move on...And now, i realise only half part of me MOVED On...but there are still bits and pieces left behind.

WHy Must i feel that way??? I mean its up to him whether he have a girlfreind or not..He has the right since we are no longer together....but what im unhappy is Why when i was with him last time, everything was restricted..and now whatever he restrict me from..he did it himself..and even to find him in his Freinds page. Fuck! Why sia...Y is Life so Unfair ??? why during my time, when i want that the most..i was restricted and even being fucked off...vulgarities on me..but NOW...without feeling of guiltiness he publish just like that. It hurts me because i remembered at that time in point, i even go to the extend of deleting my account becoz of him..Argh...

But then Again..it really do strikes me when a statement was being said "that was the past...i think we should move on..since u've already moved on" At a point maybe he's right...Maybe i should not even be friends with him in the ferst place.. As much as i do not want enemies, maybe i should treat him like one. maybe i should REfresh my memory "How BAd he treat me..How he cheated me..How he took away my money..How his Mum reacted on Me." Maybe all that will play a part...And Fuck Care with whatever he wants to do..Whatever he wants to publish..hatever he wants to do.

On the other hand, Maybe loneliness feel me up badly and i dun feel the sparks i should have, feel and receive from my partner..And maybe due to that i feel this way...maybe due to that i have the silliest mine of doing a U turn...

At one point, i wish im not engaged in all these stuffs..
Good Nite.

--** Masalah PerNafasaN**--


Hari nih aku tak Masuk OT lagik. Smalam Begitu Berkobar-kobar aku nak masuk Ot. Tapi pagi nih aku ada masalah pernafasan sekali lagi. Nihlah akibatnyer kalau tidur dalam Air-Con . APa boleh buat, belum mampu beli kipas. Duit tak masuk Lagik. ;P

So...Lepas amik Inhaler jer..aku terus tidur lagik..Hehe.Bangun then tolong mak masak jap..terus aku kemas sikit2 bilik aku.. Tercungap2 jugak...dah bis semua ingak nak vacuum..tapi tgk lah nih...SIL ngan Niece aku tgh melepak atas katil aku..tgh tido..Terbantut aku nak vacuum, nanti menganggu pulak kan. Vacuum nih kalau senyap takper jugak..bising mcm aeroplane tgh engine run...* i know im considerate* HeHE

Oh yah..btw Uncle dah dapatkan nama techinician tuh..HEHE...Aku so happy.. Walaupun aku nih belum ada guts nak berbual ngan dier..Tgk jer jadilah kan..Haha...
haiz..everytime aku berbual pasal kerja..sedih dibuatnyer..im left with 1 month pplus jer kat sana..Sedih giler seh..2 tahun kat sana..and then nak gi tempat lain suker2. AKu tak rasa boleh dpt jumper members gerek mcm skg..Haiz..TApi kalau dah bukan rezeki aku kat situ...apa boleh buat kan...Berdoa sahaja lah kan...

Oklah..i think nak gosok baju plak...Take care..apa2 aku update lagik.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Roti Kirai
My body is aching all over. im feeling so tired lately. I slept at ard 2 am yesterday. IntEnDed to SleeP EaRly but i Was helpIng My Cusin to do HeR Resume. Wanted TO Meet her up , but she's only available like in the noon whereas im only avaibel during evening time. So..Decide to help her online instead.
Ok..so as per above title. I ate Roti Kirai with Lauk Kari Ayam. Hehe..Was helping my mum to Kirai da Roti...My niece suddenly was craving for roti kirai. Kids nowadays have becoming very the educated. Soon i was done with it.

That sums it all for the food. Now about work. Well i dun really know, sumhow the workload is getting heavier each day and i am struggling to cope with it. The US cage has been compressed to a smaller size. I just dunnoe mana lah si dektuh letak kepala hotak dier..DIer pikir US nyer barang nih sikit kehapeR? When the season dtg ..belambak-lambak. And yesterday definately tiring..my neck and body hurts like hell.I was having knots on my shoulder area. Hmmm....Oh yah my quotation have been given. now im aiting or another one of it..to compare..Probably we take the cheapest one. But Haiz..yesterday plak ABg G said he tak confirm, jgn last minit yg tinggal gi 2 org jer..Hehe..tapi oklah jugak sesekali...

Ok..i guess i need to make a mve now. On my nite shift tonite..and i need a rest..

K tAke Care Peepz..

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Parents back from Genting....

I was at home since morning...after my night shift. Slept at 11am....and wake up at 3pm..4 hours of sleep only. Dunnoe why i couldnt sleep. Probably its the weather..been humid lately. I cooked Mee Goreng and fried some Chicken Wing. And then i slacked infront of the TV till evening.

Mum & Dad came back ard Evening bringing a lot of food. Fruits..Otah2..chocolates and much more. Then my dad switch on the Videocam and we watch the video when they are there. Of coz..my mum took pictures of those two mongkeys..HaHA...just Joking..SI Enotz and Naz. Happily waving and waving at the videocam..Sempat plak sebut nama aku...Main Viking ehhh...Amcam Shiok tak?? Haha gua tak jeles...Maybe im going Genting with my collegueas this June...still in the process of planning..Weehoooo..i cant wait for it...So excited!!!!!
And i saw this couple..atas stage tao...angkat tangan kiri kanan depan...wat the hell they are doing?? cube explain cik enotz?? sebab tak record semua....

Ok next topic..about my job..haiz im left with like a motnth before my contract ends..Frankly im truly worried about it. Till now theres no news from any side..All are left clueless. I dunt want to go up to that person to ask...i dun want to make it as if im hoping for it..its no point doing that i tell u..unless im up to the idea of following each and every little things that he says..even up to the point where personal life is being controlled. Argh..i dont want that! I really hope and pray the outcome will be good. hopefully!..

Oh yah before i forget..i just would like to congratulate my deaest Buddy Mr Aqmal N for turning 23 years old today...haha...skg kiter dah sama umur...Weeeehhehehehe... anyway...
Semoga Dipanjangkan Umur dan Dimurahkan REzeki..Insyallah.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Im sitting right at the corner of my room..with just my Laptop and Cell phone by my side. Things went wrong lately..and im so depressed over it. Mum and Dad is in Genting and my niece is back at their homies. And im only with my brother. ITs so Lonely Down here and The problems im facing definately adds up to all the loneliness.

i dunnoe what and how to say it. i just wish someone could come up on me..and hug me real tight and just say" Hang in there...It will be over soon...Everything will be settle shortly" But noOne is there for me. To come up to someone instantly and just say..would u be my listening ear? i have some problems. People will sure misunderstood in me taking them for granted. When i need them only i will find them. No! im not that Kind of person. And thus, i kept it to myself again.

I dunnoe what is the right way now. My emotions are going haywire..Maybe i should leave it as it is and just wait patiently as well as hoping "it" find its way back to me.
BUt my heart is throwing tantrum..i hate to feel this way..and i HAte to be in this situation...i need the companion..I need someone to care for me...but i should be grateful they "it" trust me and "it" knows that im big enuf to care for myself. In another words...
It" knows i can be independant and know whats right and wrong...


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Im definately am tired today...SLept like one Big Log rite after Work and i only wake up at 6pm in the evening. Woah! ThaT Was inDeeD Long Enuf. Usually, i'll tend to wake up automatically at 4pm but this time it really shows that im truly shagged. Probably due to i actually did not sleep at work on my night shift. I just couldnt sleep. I could only get to shut and rest my eyes.

I would like to mention about one guy which i do not know what his name is. HEHE *on my cheeky mode*. Actually been eyeing one of this technician at work. i mean not the "gatal-gatal " way of looking upon him lah. Oh Please..Well i just like to see his face and..yeah as u all know me..i get captivated easily by guys who have a nice and friendly smile. I saw him quite often and i dun really like layan him..even when he entered my office asking for some stuffs..i just open the door and ask him to get himself. SHit! I should have use that opportunity to actually have a chat with him but i was too shy that time. THen, there was a time i was in the smoking room, buying a drink from the vending machine and he was standing right beside the vending machine with his friend and he utter something. I was like "ah? and they laughed it off. God knows what they are talking about. Then..when they went out from the smoking room..they smiled at my uncle. My uncle told me and my friend, actually they wanted to befriend us..but we all are too stern. I laughed it off..since when we are stern..its just that we are not that friendly and we dont want to be label as "Minah gatal" at werk..making the first moves to befriend this guys.

Then again there was this incident where he was alone and im alone..and he actually talk to me..but hehe his pick up line was lame but cute...but then yesterday when i saw him..he was not even smiling to me..issit becoz he was with his friends? ntahlah..i wanted to smile but i was so shy..HAHA. Well i dun mean any gatalness here. just wanted to be friend with him. Thats all.
ITs kinda good to know these technicians..some of them are nice guys..I cant wait to see him again...Hopefully he speak to me.:)

Im feeling hungry at this moment but im like thinking twice..whether should i eat or not..since its already like 11pm...Hmmm...

Monday, April 02, 2007

My Princess

Happy 5th BirthDay My Lovely PrinCess..Muacks!

Pictures have been uploaded. Pls go to CamWhore Gallery.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

ShaGGed Mode

--==Shagged Mode==--

Celebrated Iffah "my niece" 5th Birthday at Pasir Ris Costa Sand Resort.
Event is on the 31st March and 1st April
The Whole lot of us have so much fun

Fun = Camwhore!

So you can expect pictures upload from me later on. My Elder and younger cousin have been pestering me to upload the pictures but i simply DO NOT have the strength to do all this stuff. All i want now is some Rest.
Read this: I have not iRoned my UniForm yet and i guess im too lazy and shagged now.
So That is i need to wake up a bit earlier tommorow.
Gonna be a long day Tommoroe
Monday Sucks.
And i have to Work Alone..