SAlamz Peepz!
Feeling very full now..after eating 2 pc Meal from KFC. Oh my! I feel so SinfUl...I need to shed off some FAts...
Been feeling low lately, A lot of things is going thru my mind. Life has never been easy..and as a is never perfect. Every single day we lead on has never been easy..a lot of hurdles that we need to face each single day. There will be fortunates and unfortunates people. For those fortunates...they will lead their life with a smile..but for those who are not..they will be struggling to survive. But At Each single seconds..we need to remind ourself that the sky will never Always be "sunny bright"...indeed there are times where it will be "dark and cloudy" and will "rain" somehow...
As for has never been better..i admits that sometime things get out of hand. Stressed yes..thats the keyword..almost abt everything...
- Career
How will my fate be after the end of my contract? Seems that i will be renew my airport pass..and renewing it for 3 years...does that give a clue somehow? A collegue Farouk was renewed for 1 yr..cos he's a permanent and he will change his pass to permanent together with the permanent staffs. Does that mean that we will be renewing our contracts? I aint sure..Sometimes this give me a thought..
Currently been searching for new jobs, but to no calls up yet..Planned to just stay at airport for the mean time while i find a permanent and secure job. Its not that i detest working in airport.. I confessed it was fun working with a bunch of caring and fun people. My life feel imcomplete w/o them there. I enjoyed working with them...but the politics...Nah! Its always the office politics that died the spirit off.
- RElationship
One Word.
Relationship has never been easy. Paranoid. Insecure. Trust. SIncere. Loving. Concern and etc. All plays a part. QUestions will keep fiddling in our mind. Is he/she being true and honest towards oneself? Is he/she cheating towards oneself? Is he/she Loves oneself from the bottom of thier heart sincerley, lovingly? Is ?how? WHere? WAs? Why? Common.
But try thinking abt it..why do all these questions pop up when we are in relationshipS? Its becoz..we love that person with all our heart. Jealousy exist because we feel insecure...we want our own man/woman to love us and only us..not by sharing his/her love to others. ANother reason of jelaousy is to affection..."manja"..or as what in malay says " Cemburu tandanya Sayang"
It all start withs friendship..and blossoms into love. But Feelings in relationship and feelings in friendship is never the same. in relationship..just a small matter can cause and argument. Thats what they call parts and parcels of relationship.
We as a human..need to trust our own honest..if "long term" is what we want. tired...of typing..i share my thoughts when i blog agian. C ya!